Your Legal Claim: Patience with the Process
Believe it or not, the legal process can be as much of a pain as your physical injury. If you’ve been in a car accident, injured on the job, or involved in a slip and fall, we’ve got some helpful tips to make your legal claim as painless as possible. Your Case May Take Longer […]
The Insurance Adjustor: Beware of Recorded Statements
So, you were in an accident and it wasn’t your fault? Whether it was a car wreck with someone who was texting and driving, or you slipped and fell on a spill at the grocery store, chances are you are going to receive a phone call from an insurance company. The person calling you is […]
Loans and Liens Against Worker Compensation Awards and Settlements
Did you know worker compensation awards and settlements are protected under South Carolina workers compensation law? In otherwards, unlike with other claims, creditors cannot attach judgments or otherwise attempt to satisfy debts through worker compensation settlements. The only exception to this is Federal tax and child support arrears, which are not protected under South Carolina […]
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